Sunday, May 24, 2009

Strawberry Halls and Mint Vapo Rub...

Yes yes ladies and gents, that has been my meal for the past 3 to 4 days.

You just have to love being sick, truly, or you'll go mad.
Also, isn't this a surprise!? Two, count 'em, TWO postings in a week? What is the world coming to?!?! Deliciousness, that's what. :P.
So I had a meeting in world this evening, and while sitting there trying not to nod off into my note pad (due in part to the cold concoction I'd just taken, not at all because of the boredom factor), I was dropped this adorable little number from Callie Cline, her new Corset in Lime Leopard. It seems she has decided to test out this "Try before you buy" idea, where she'll put out a new item (this one not even available in stores yet) and if you like it, then you pay her the fee she asks (Which I would pay her one thousand times over) and if you don't, then you simply delete it.
Well I just automatically knew what skin I wanted to use. It's been a favorite of mine for a couple of months now, it is Skin Within's Sheeba!

As you can see, she's gorgeous!
I really am in love with the lighter tone of this skin, as well as the fact that you can clearly see its definition and detail.

Many skin artists aren't aware of the many supple shades in Nubian skin. So you can imagine my surprise, and delight, to find out that the artist behind Sheeba (beautiful name I might add) is a sculptor in RL.

You can also see why I chose this particular skin to go with the newest release from Ms. Cline! The eyeshadow is dead on!

With a hint of pink for the lips, enough so there's not to much green going on.

Who thinks up Lime Leopard? Really? No one! That's what makes this corset so fierce!

I love love LOVE the color, and what respectable diva doesn't love animal print? Faux of course, so there's no PETA tryna ruin mah new duds, and no poor animal gets maimed. (For you movie fans out there, if you get this you win a big smoocheroni " Omg did you skin a collie for your bag?" " Duh, no it's faux!").

I also thought my Zaara jeans in charcoal would go wonderfully together, giving it that darker tone to pull out the black in the corset a little more, and finishing it up with the fabulous Maitreya pumps in green, which are a fabulous group gift that you can actually pick up in the store now.

As per usual, my go to place for hair right now, Armidi "The Bombshell" in espresso. Gotta love the way it cups the face, accentuating the cheek bones, and having the curls keep everything soft, feminine, and ultra flirty.

One last thing before I close it up and crash out (being in that I took a double dose of Cherry VODKA! jk, Cherry NyQuil, and... apparently by the light of my kitchen window it's near dawn :P).
Don't you just ADORE when skin artists really pay attention to the nails of their hands and feet? I think that that truly shows their dedication to authenticity and customer appreciation.

Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful whatever time of the day...or...night it is...wherever you are :P! Ciao daaaahlings!


1 comment:

Khali Laguna said...

Why Clueless of course... gawd gimmie a hard one lol! *winks*